Wednesday, April 23, 2014

Day Two - Dallas Home Care Conference

Day Two

April 23, 2014

As a Home Health Administrator, I get the opportunity once per year to attend the Texas Association of Home Care conference.  We are required to get “educational hours” and this conference fulfills that requirement for me. 

The past two years, since Robbie has worked at Campbell Custom Homes, I’ve had to attend by myself so that he doesn’t’ have to waste his vacation days sitting in a hotel room waiting for me.  I look forward to this trip by myself, thinking about how I’m going to shop alone, eat whatever I want, lie around and read or watch movies with no responsibility for anything else, except some “me time”.

It never seems to work out quit that way!  First of all, if it’s a work day for our staff, there are problems that have to be addressed, so I get texts or emails that interrupt my solitude and remind me that I have very real responsibilities.  Secondly it seems like one or both of my children always have some type of a crisis I need to validate.  This time it’s Taylor – she is 2.5 weeks from college graduation and she is overwhelmed with the projects she is trying to finish up and the fact that her student loan money has just about run out…I think she has about $ 60 left to last for 3 more weeks.  Secondly, it’s lonely!  I don’t really like driving by myself, eating by myself, even being in the hotel room alone is lonely.  After 35 years of marriage, I’m used to having Robbie around – he usually let’s me do my own thing, while he does his and spends just the right amount of time with me so that we enjoy each others company without getting on each others nerves.

Also….there never seems to be anything good on the hotel television.  Robbie always finds Sports to watch and I gripe because I don’t get to watch anything….but really there is nothing but Sports and News on this TV!  I thought I would watch a movie….not at these prices….. $ 14.00 to watch a movie in my room – my goodness….I could go to a local theater and have popcorn and a drink for that price!

On a positive note - I have learned a lot and met some interesting people who share my concerns and victories about our healthcare careers.  Being away from home always makes me grateful for what I have.  I have a wonderful husband to go home to tomorrow, two dogs that love me, a nice home, a job that is stressful, but rewarding and most importantly, hometowns in which I don’t get lost and don’t’ have to deal with traffic!

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