Sunday, July 19, 2020

Household Routines

Reflecting on our 41st wedding anniversary, many memories have come to mind.  There were things we planned for, such as: our wedding day, the birth of Casey after we had been married 5 years, then Taylor's birth almost 6 years later.  There were also many unexpected turns in our journey and things that did NOT go according to plan.

Married at 18, I naively expected to work until we had our first child, then be a stay at home Mom. However, that wasn't in Gods plan for me and I've worked outside the home our entire marriage with only a few weeks off after the birth of each child.

Running our household, as a full time career woman, wife and mother of two relied heavily on organizational skills and performing certain household chores/activities on a set schedule.  The  past year via reading blogs, posts, books etc - I see that many people identify these scheduled activities as  "routines" and that evidently they don't come easily to everyone.

Thinking through the routines relied upon throughout my marriage and the ones adapted over the past 3 years when our empty nest needed to be shared with our 92 year old mother in law -I wondered if sharing what has worked in our home might be helpful to someone for whom those routines haven't yet been learned or established.

As these routines are shared via a series of posts, please feel free to chime in with your tips and ideas.   We all need to help each other throughout this time.  I'm a firm believer that if you make your home as orderly as possible, it helps add an element of peace and calm that we all need right now!

Stay tuned for the first post...  Laundry Routine.

<a href="">Isolated Vectors by Vecteezy</a>


  1. I've been married long enough (32 yrs) so you would thing I had a handle on this. Sadly, the truth is I'm still a very poor housekeeper! So I anxiously await the next post!
